5/12/2020 COVID-19 update : new symptoms, PPE, and re-opening of Virginia Phase 1

This video is for information only. It is not medical advice. The video does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. The viewer is advised to seek medical care from a qualified health provider. The information is thought to be accurate at the time of recording.

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Hello, I'm Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs and I'm with Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs' Sleep and Total Wellness institute. The practice has been doing facebook live events to bring you updates on the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19. These talks are available on video and audio. Today we are talking about the new updated symptoms of COVID-19 and how it affects children. We're going to discuss the reopening of Virginia phase 1 and P.P.E.

COVID-19 initially was thought not to affect young people or if it did to only cause mild illness. Lately we found that children can become severely ill with a condition that is very similar to an auto autoimmune disorder called Kawasaki's. Kawasaki's is also rare. Children are developing what's called a multi-system inflammatory syndrome. if your child develops a fever and the fever lasts for three or more days and the child has G.I. symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or pain, your child may be uh experiencing an adverse event to COVID-19. This can occur up to two weeks after exposure to the virus and the child may never have been diagnosed with COVID-19. So if your child has a persistent fever or persistent fever and G.I. symptoms belly pain, diarrhea, vomiting, call your health provider and get some guidance on what you should be doing next.

On May 15th, if the circumstance permit, our governor will be reopening Virginia with what is called phase one. Phase one is limited opening up businesses and it also means that we are still being advised to practice social distancing and wearing face covers. It is going to allow non-essential businesses, some of them to open in a limited capacity. So what is a non-essential business according to the business insider non-essential businesses are things like barber shops, hair salons, the gym, concert venues, theaters , museums, casinos, race tracks, shopping malls, bowling alleys, and venues for sporting events. During phase one, a non-essential retail shops will be open at 50 capacities. So your favorite restaurant might be open for outdoor seating at 50 capacity, but takeout and delivery will also still be available if they are providing that. Your exercise facilities may still be closed for indoor use but if they have outdoor fitness activities or facilities those may be opened now. Gatherings are limited to 10 people for churches or places of worship. Drive-in services can occur during phase one just as they have been all along and the churches or places of worship are now allowed to open at 50% capacity. Barber shops and hair salon are opened at a for appointments only and state parks will be open for day use. Child care facilities are open for people who have to work. So if you decide that you want to go outside your home and participate in things like the parks take some cleansers with you because you'll still need to wipe down play areas that may be contaminated with the coronavirus.


Stay at home is still recommended it's recommended. If you don't have to go out, don't go out, and if you do go out wear face covering. If you cannot find an already made face mask like the surgical mask or n95 or any of the face masks that are being used as a respirator mask and you find that you do need to make a mask there are some precautions. If you're going to make a mask it should be double layered. It's recommended that the mask be made out of denim rather than a t-shirt or knit fabric because over time the knit fabric will stretch and this will make it less of a barrier for small particles like the virus in between the two layers of your fabric. There should be some type of filter. Coffee filters have been reported to be used. Also the filters that we are using in our homes. If you're using a home filter that is something that you have for your air conditioner heating system or even your vacuum cleaner make sure that that filter does not contain fiberglass. If you put it in your mask and it contains fiberglass, it can cause lung injury, because fiberglass is toxic to the lungs. This is the end of new information. I'm just going to review social distancing that's six feet at a minimum apart and if you can be even further apart that would be better.


The symptoms of COVID-19 are fever. It is a high fever greater than 100. It is usually peaking around 101 to 104. Cough, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, persistent pain in the chest, confusion, difficulty to wake up, or lethargy, or bluish discolor in your face. If you have these symptoms you need to seek medical care. If you sought these medical care and you're dealing with these symptoms especially the shortness of breath, it has been found that sleeping on your stomach will increase your ability to oxygenate. It takes some of the pressure off the lungs so you can sleep on the stomach. If it's difficult for you to sleep on your stomach try propping yourself up with pillows on either side and making a little wedge where you can rest your head and neck. This is a end of today's facebook live event and this event is recorded. It is also available on our podcast you can get to the podcast by going to our website www.drhamiltonstubs.com, www.drhamiltonstubs.com/podcast. You can also get our video by going to our website and selecting video. Our events are available in video as well as transcribed so that we can try to provide this information to people who may be vision impaired or hearing impaired. I'll be back again next week same time on a Tuesday that should be May 19th and we will talk again updates on COVID-19 and the coronavirus. Thank you for your attention thank you for joining in stay blessed stay safe and May God have mercy on us all.