
July 2, 2020 NAACP Telephone Conference

Covid-19 makes it clear that racisim in health care must be addressed: Dean Bowen Matthew is a Health Law expert and the author of Just Medicine: A cure for racial inequality in American health care. Book available on Amazon

This video is for information only. It is not medical advice. The video does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. The viewer is advised to seek medical care from a qualified health provider. The information is thought to be accurate at the time of recording.

6/23/2020 COVID-19 update: Reopening of places of worship & the Worshipper's responsibility PART 2


Hello I'm Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs and this is the COVID-19 update for today June 23rd 2020 and this episode of the update is focused on places of worship. When we reopen places of worship, there are two sets of responsibilities.

Let's talk about the worshipper. It's important that we let the worshipper know that they do have some responsibilities so that everyone can be safe. Some of those responsibilities include wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, frequent hand-washing, and avoid touching the face nose in your eyes and avoid close contact with others know. Know and practice the protected coughs and instead of talking into an elbow, I suggest coughing

6/16/2020 COVID-19 update: Reopening of places of worship & the Worshipper's responsibility


Hi, this is Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs from Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs' Sleep and Total Wellness Institute and I am doing a 10-minute COVID-19 update. I started on this to help my patients, but I expand it to help in my role as the Health Committee Chair for the Virginia State Conference of the NAACP and also as the chair for the Virginia Association of Ministers Wives and Ministers Widows. And what I'm focusing on is places of worship: planning to reopen. So today I want to talk about the responsibilities of the worshipers and the responsibilities of the church.

6/9/2020 Covid-19 updates: how to stay safe while going to places of worship


Hello, I’m Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs with Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs’ Sleep and Total Wellness Institute and this is my coronavirus update for this week. Thanks for tuning in. Today I want to talk about returning to places of worship we would all like to return to our places of worship those of us who attend regularly miss seeing our friends, we miss the fellowship and the church needs our financial support which I understand.

5/26/2020 COVID-19 update: Virginia re-opening, how to decrease chances of getting the coronavirus while going to places of worship, and testing update

Hi I'm Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs. Thank you for joining me today. Today we're going to talk about the new normal in Virginia across the country as we reopen government and our places of businesses houses of worship as a pandemic is still going on. We'll also talk a little bit about the different types of testing and prevention of illness. I want to tell you that tonight at 5:30 we're going to have Dr. Hart, the medical director of the Crater Health Department in Petersburg and it also serves six other districts here to talk about the coronavirus, reopening the government, precautions and testing, in a little bit more detail with a chance for a question and answer the calling number 978-990-5000 and the access code is 887438.

5/19/2020 COVID-19 update: Symptoms and how to be safe during re-opening

One of the things that's happening is we don't see the faces of all the people who are dying or being hospitalized. In Virginia alone we've had our hospitals overflowing with patients who've been infected by the virus, but because we're social distancing we don't really see that. I have colleagues that work in administration who've been called into the emergency room to take care of the common illnesses like heart attacks or strokes or asthma exacerbations because the ER staff is overwhelmed by the people who are coming in with SARS-COV2.

5/12/2020 COVID-19 update : new symptoms, PPE, and re-opening of Virginia Phase 1


Hello, I'm Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs and I'm with Dr. Hamilton-Stubbs' Sleep and Total Wellness institute. The practice has been doing facebook live events to bring you updates on the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19. These talks are available on video and audio. Today we are talking about the new updated symptoms of COVID-19 and how it affects children. We're going to discuss the reopening of Virginia phase 1 and P.P.E.

4/28/2020 COVID-19 update : what is a virus and PPE

For those of you who weren't here last week, we talked about what is a virus and a little bit about the immune response and the different types of testing and then we touched a little bit on how to protect yourself. A virus is an organism that is classified as being in a grey zone which means it's somewhere in between living and not living and the reason is classified as such is because viruses don't have all cellular mechanisms to reproduce and live on their own they do require a host and they have to have a specific host with a cell in that host that the virus can attach to and find what it needs to live. When we are confronted with a virus infection or any type of foreign body we respond by using our immune system.